

Establishing Fujairah as the Leader in Economy, Industry and Energy, at the same time developing an integrated sustainable knowledge, innovation and national Competencies based economy, aligning with the larger ‘We TheEmirates’ campaign.

Mission Statement

Leading the industry and the Economy of Fujairah, in accordance with an effective governance framework that supports competitive capabilities of partners, the efficiency of resource use, maximizing benefits management , to provide an attractive environment for investment, enhance in-country-value for national industries and the creation of national services and products.


  • Foreseeing the future of the economy and building  plans to ensure the sustainability of business development
  • Encouraging cooperation between local companies to achieve joint growth
  • Preparing economic feasibility studies and promoting Fujairah as an attractive investment Center
  • Building a support system for entrepreneurship and local projects
  • Building local economic growth indicators in Fujairah and tracking their levels
  • Building industrial databases to enable decision-making
  • Support value-added manufacturing industries locally
  • Create industrial standards and studies for the development of industrial processes
  • Posting industrial updates and advanced technology to improve product quality and enhance competitiveness
  • Developing local and international industrial relations and facilitating the transfer of expertise
  • Harmonizing economic and industrial policies and enhancing the country's competitiveness indicators
  • Building local economic competencies through entrepreneurial work programs
  • Develop processes and services to enable increased revenues and rationalization of expenses
  • Enhancing the institutional reputation and building an integrated government communication approach
  • Establishing human cadres capable of developing Fujairah's economy and industry
  • Building a sustainable excellence approach in the Department's operations and services



Department Values

  • Pioneering & Competitiveness. 
  • Sustainability & Integration.
  • Innovation & Flexibility.
  • Excellence & Credibility.
  • Quality of life